All the things that annoy me.

Monday, April 04, 2005


After you punch someone who's off guard, what would you rather do? Hide behind something or take a punch? Now what should you do? What would you do?

Today a girl in my class was messing around putting like 5 watches on, my watch and another guy's included. When she was done messing around around she gave me both the watches. My friend suddenly gets very protective of his watch and slugs me in jaw. I go to hit him back and what does he do? Cowers behind his binder. What kind of wuss hits someone and then hides?

I can understand a flinch, but when I told him to put the binder down and fight, he said no and ran away. No dignity what so ever, no back-talk, nothing. Just left.

Everything got worked out except for a slightly sore jaw. I'm not complaining about it, I'm just saying, who runs from a fight they started over something as stupid as a watch.


Sunday, April 03, 2005

Yo Mamma!

You insult someone and they yell at you, "Yo mamma!" Then you bash their face in. I don't understand this. Yah, you love your mom and all, but ever other day of the year your a rebel, arguing and not doing what your told, then getting punished for it. Wouldn't letting someone insult your parents be a way of payback? Wouldn't that kinda make you feel good?

But no, you gotta go and punch the person. Now your getting punished doubly. At school and at home. At home worst of all. All the more reason to let people insult your parents. Now I'm not saying invite people to insult your parents, but if you insult someone and they insult your parents, just let them, it's for the best. Both of you will feel good about it! However, if you feel like you have to do something, insult their parents back, but for God's sake, don't flatten the persons face.

If any of you feel like enlightening me about why you feel the need to break someones nose when they insult your parents, go right ahead, I'm open to all criticism. I personally think the whole thing is stupid.


Saturday, April 02, 2005

Stupid Laws

North Carolina

Elephants may not be used to plow cotton fields. WTF

If a man and a woman who aren't married go to a hotel/motel and register themselves as married then, according to state law, they are legally married.

All couples staying overnight in a hotel must have a room with double beds that are at least two feet apart. Making love in the space between the beds is strictly forbidden. Arrest me, I broke a law.


No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour. Oh yah, real intelligent.

It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale. Lucky my friend doesn't live in California.

Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool. I have actually seen someone do this. It was very funny.

Chico, California
Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine. That's all fine and dandy, but who's going to be left to fine the guy.

Los Angelous, California
It is illegal for a man to beat his wife with a strap wider than 2 inches without her consent. "without her consent" While your at it dear why don't you stab me through the heart.

Pacific Grove , California
Molesting butterflies can result in a $500 fine. Aw man, that means I'm reduced to jacking off.


A recently passed anticrime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed. "Tomorrow I'm to cut your stomach open and play with your guts".

When two trains meet each other at a railroad crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone. Oh the insanity.

Houston , Texas
Beer may not be purchased after midnight on a Sunday, but it may be purchased on Monday. "Sorry officer I forgot you couldn't but beer at 1AM on Sunday nights."

Lubbock County, Texas
It is illegal to drive within an arm's length of alcohol - including alcohol in someone else's blood stream. There are people who will kill for alcohol, but that's a little extreme.

Texarkana, Texas
Owners of horses may not ride them at night without tail lights. This I have got to see.

New York

The penalty for jumping off a building is death. Another intelligent statement.

New York, New York

Women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business. Guess who's going to New York.

South Carolina

A railroad my not remove itself from a town of more than five hundred people. I didn't know railroads had legs.

You can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour. I have read a book about someone who attempted this, it wasn't pretty.

In order for a pickle to officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce. But what if the pickle is relish?

The marriage of imbeciles and feeble-minded persons is prohibited. Oh, the discrimination. LOL.


Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal. "God damn it Spike, you know how much I hate it when you shove needles up my ass, and don't you dare roll up in a ball when I'm talking to you!"

Daytona Beach, Florida
Sec. 18-2. Weeds, trash, etc., as a public nuisance; removal by property owner or by city at owner's expense; notice and hearing; lien for expenses. (a) The existence of weeds, trash, undergrowth, brush, filth, garbage or other refuse on any lot, tract or parcel of land within the city which has caused the property to become, or which may reasonably cause the property to become infested, or inhabited by rodents, vermin or wild animals, or may furnish a breeding place for mosquitoes or threatens the public health, safety or welfare, or may reasonably cause disease or adversely affects and impairs the economic welfare of the adjacent property, is declared to constitute a public nuisance and is hereby prohibited. Just too freaking long.

The molestation of trash cans is banned. People do that?

Pensacola, Florida
A women can be fined (only after death), for being electrocuted in a bath-tub because of using self-beautification utensils. I don't have a problem with any of this except for the part about "beautification utensils." What are we? The most politically correct nation in the world? :)


Friday, April 01, 2005

Stupid Phrases

"fo shizzle mah nizzle"

Have you ever notice that whenever a rapper releases a song that makes it to the top ten, a new phrase floats around that just drives you out of your mind? Fo shizzle mah nizzle is one of them. Come on, fo shizzle means something, and it means something consistently, but fo shizzle mah nizzle just doesn't have a consistent definition. I alone in the 2 or 3 places I go everyday have heard it used in at least half a dozen different ways, so I can't imagine how many different meanings there are for it.

This is the definition of it from
urban dictionary. It got 125 thumbs up out of 128 votes.

"fo shizzle mah nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastardization of "I concur with you whole heartedly my African American brother"


I'm not going to say much about this one because I don't want to be tracked down and beaten in a back alley but, this is just plain stupid. It doesn't even sound like an uzi.

"Maybe or maybe not"

Ever hear someone say "that may or may not be the case," as if there's some hidden third possibility that we weren't aware of? Thanks for pointing out the only two possibilities in the universe. These are the worst kind of people to talk to because they try so hard to be open-minded that it sounds like the debate in a political science class where no opinion is too stupid for the professor to consider and the same fat kid keeps raising his hand to tell you his dumb ideas about free market capitalism as you fantasize about repeatedly stomping his face into a jar. I hate talking to open-minded people. They're the same kind of people who emphasize every other word when they type as if you can somehow hear their obnoxious cadence in your head, for example: "we didn't go to the store, but we DID buy a cake." Cool it Shatner, we don't read in the same voice you speak.

"Well that's just your opinion"

This one pisses me off just thinking about it. If you slit my throat right now you'd get shot in the eye with boiling blood. Any time you say something sucks around someone who disagrees, they try to validate their taste in music/movies/clothing by reminding you that you still only speak for yourself, as if their opinions are in jeopardy of being monopolized by your own. Everyone already knows it's my opinion by virtue of the fact that I said it, no need to restate the obvious you dope.

"It takes one to know one"

Ever call someone a bitch only to be countered with the bullet-proof come back: "well it takes one to know one"? You're basically saying "yes, I spread my legs for money, as do you." Good job Ms. Rotten-crotch, you've rebuked nothing. What difference does it make if the person calling you a bitch is one as well? You're still a skanky bitch who charges money for hand-
jobs and why the hell are you charging for a hand-job anyway? Unless all your clients are paralyzed, any prostitute caught charging someone for a hand-job should be sued for extortion. That's another reason prostitution should be legal: you can't really sue a prostitute for extortion if prostitution is illegal now can you wise ass?

"I'm a child at heart"

Yeah, you're a child at heart, just as soon as children start going to work every day to rot in a cubicle for a meager pay check so they can drink their troubles away in a bar for the rest of their lives. Unless you're an astronaut, secret agent, vampire hunter, or all three, you're probably a sellout; screw you. Nobody wanted to be a regional director of sales or an investment banker when they were kids. On top of that, nobody thinks you're cute or funny by stating you're a "child at heart" on your stupid online profile that you created because you're a boring middle-aged loser with sagging tits and yellow nails who survives off greasy TV dinners every night as you contemplate the exact moment your life became so miserable. But hey, don't take my word for it. After all, passing by "Cartoon Network" as you're flipping through channels technically makes you a "child at heart." Either that or the world's oldest virgin.

"Sorry, but (also known as "No offense, but")"

Girls usually say this when they think they're being clever: "sorry, but you're a moron." It's a phrase derived from the expression people use when they're breaking some bad news to an old friend: "I'm sorry to say this, but the results are back and... you're an idiot." The only problem is, they never intend to say it with such eloquence, but rather, they use the phrase like it's a blunt object, hammering their square insult through your round psyche. If you think someone's an idiot, just come out and say it without these damn apologies you dumb hag. Unless you're a character in a fighting game, have big boobs, and just won the round with a bitch slap, saying "sorry" just before you insult someone is obnoxious, cut the bullshit.

"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen"

Yeah, either that or rape in a dark alley waiting to happen.

"Hmmmmm / Uhhhhh"

Next time you ask someone a question, look for the trademark sign of an idiot: the "hmmmmm" noise they make while they're thinking. It's especially noticeable when you go to a restaurant and the waitress asks what you want to drink; there's always some fickle fingered ass hole thumbing through the menu, sounding off like a moron with "uhhhhhh...." as if the waitress is just going to walk away without taking your order if you don't give her an audible cue that you are still breathing. These are the same type of people who repeat the question you ask them to buy time when they don't know the answer, hoping you won't notice that they're stalling. You don't need to make a sound while your five good neurons crank out the next malformed sentence from your cretaceous skull, numb nuts.

"Some of the best things in life are free"

Yeah? Well so are some of the worst, and I don't see anyone throwing a party when they get cancer.

"Less is more"

Except when it comes to money, fame, power, girls, fun, friends, and basicly just about anything you can touch.

"The grass is always greener on the other side"

If the grass is greener on the other side, then the guy with the greener grass doesn't think your grass is greener now does he? The message that this proverb is trying to stumble through is that everything always looks more attractive when you don't have it. I'm sure there are millionaires crying themselves to sleep every night because they don't live in a trailer park. Just face it: sometimes nobody envies you. There has to be a bottom and that bottom is probably you.